Vets for chickens? My chicken is sick/has x symptoms what do I do?
There’s a vet in Oakland, Fruitvale called St. Louis Veterinary Clinic 3545 Fruitvale Ave, Oakland, CA 94602 (510) 530-1004 Open Monday-Saturday from 10:00 AM to 2:00PM
My chicken has worms, do you sell anything for it?
We only sell homeopathic supplements for chickens. If you need medicated supplies check out Concord Feed & Fuel (925) 940-1200
My chicken died–why?
If you want to find out why, the best thing is to have a necropsy done. UC Davis will do an autopsy and send you the results
Where can people get information for chicken keeping?
We have many books available at our shop
Find classes on our website.
Local support groups
Alameda County Backyard Chickens
Backyard Chickens
How long should you keep baby chicks indoors in a brooder?
During warm weather around 6 weeks or until they are fully feathered
How long should you give baby chicks chick starter feed?
Until they are laying, typically between 4-5 months
Do you sell coops?
No, but you can find some online at places like craigslist.
Where are the baby chicks from?
We get our chicks from a small hatchery called Belt Hatchery in Fresno
Are they vaccinated?
Yes, the chicks are vaccinated for Marek’s
What kinds of feed do we sell?
Layer pellets organic 25lbs and 40lbs
Layer crumble organic 25lbs and 40lbs
Chick starter organic 25lbs and 40lbs
Scratch organic 25lbs and 40lbs
Whole grain layer pellets organic (soy/corn free) 25lbs and 40lbs
Soy free layer pellets organic 40lbs only
Rabbit and chinchilla pellets organic 25lbs and 40lbs
Duck pellets 40lbs
We can special order any feed that Modesto Milling supplies
I have a swarm, what do I do?
Call Alameda County Beekeepers Association Swarm Hotline at 510-898-6696
How much does a nuc cost?
A NUC of bees is $270.00, including 5 deep frames
How much does a starter hive cost?
A complete 10-frame hive including a super box filled, deep box filled, screened bottom board, top cover with inner cover, and hive stand is $408 without the hive stand it is $300
How much space do you need to keep bees?
You will need at least 5 feet of space in each direction around the hive
The hive should be placed about 10-15 feet from the house
Do we have extractors, how much are they, and how many frames do they hold?
Yes, we have both manual ($25/day) and electric ($40/day)
They each hold 3 frames
I want to get into beekeeping how do I start?
We have a few books that a great sources for beginning beekeepers
We also offer Introduction to Beekeeping Classes in the Spring and Fall with instructor Jennifer Radtke. Go the the Classes tab on the website to see when they are availand RSVP on Eventbrite.