Each month in the spring and fall we have a ‘Chick Day!’
Spring 2025 Chick Days and Breeds
Rhode Island Red
Buff Orpington
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Golden Laced Wyandotte
New Hampshire Red
Black Sex Link
Barred Rock
Red Sex Link
Rhode Island Red
Silver laced Wyandotte
Buff Orpington
Baby chicks come to us in the mail having just hatched; they are one day old, and can be picked up any day starting Friday morning. Email us at , letting us know how many chicks you want of each breed, and your phone number. We will follow up with a call to confirm the order and get payment to reserve the chicks.

About the Chicks
All chicks come from a small hatchery called Belt Hatchery located in Fresno. The hatchery guarantees that 90% of the sexed chicks will be female (hens lay the eggs, after all!) If you want to be absolutely sure to not get any roosters, get the Gold or Black Sex-Linked; they are 99-100% guaranteed to be female. The chicks are vaccinated for Marek’s. They are $10 each.
Chick Pickup
One week before chicks arrive, everyone on the reservation list will get an email to confirm their order and with further instructions. Typically your chicks are available to pick up only the Friday of your scheduled chick day, although we may make exceptions for a weekend pick up.
Chick Supplies
We sell all the supplies you need to raise your chicks:
brooder lamp and red bulb, special chick waterer and feeder, and chick starter food. All you will need in addition is your own container for brooding, and newspaper for bedding.
Get all of these brooding supplies at the same time, and receive a $5 discount!
Urban Chickens
Besides Chicks, we sell everything for your coop! We have galvanized waterers, feeders, nesting box blends, a wide assortment of chicken supplements, and of course organic chicken feed.